Trail maintenance
Since removal of the old railroad tracks and ties, trail users have undertaken informal volunteer maintenance, mainly brushing and clearing debris, and bridging of a few small tributaries to Bonanza Creek. The trail has little infrastructure aside from a few culverts and small rustic bridges.
From time to time we do seek volunteers to help with community trail days. If this is something that is of interest to you please email us at: rbs.trailalliance@gmail.com
Trail Stewards
Are you a ‘regular’ on the rail trail? Do you see grizzly or black bears, moose, and / or beavers? How about a nesting bird, Western Toad or salamander? If you would like to share your wildlife sightings, we encourage you to visit iNaturalist — a data-sharing application that engages individuals and citizen scientists in observing, recording and learning about the rich biodiversity that surrounds us.
Trail Stewards can also watch out for garbage, unsafe trail conditions, fallen trees, etc. If you see something you feel needs to be reported please contact us or email: rbs.trailalliance@gmail.com